Government Announces that MOT Testing Regime Frequency Will Not Change
Government Announces that MOT Testing Regime Frequency Will Not Change – Amt Auto

Government Announces that MOT Testing Regime Frequency Will Not Change

The government has decided not to change how often cars, vans, and motorcycles need to undergo MOT testing. This decision comes after looking into whether changes were needed to balance costs for drivers, road safety, advancements in vehicle technology, and emissions.

Some ideas were suggested, such as making the first MOT test happen after four years instead of three, to save money. But after discussing this with the public and experts, the government decided not to make any changes.

This means vehicles still need their first MOT test three years after they’re registered, and then they need a test every year after that.

Industry figures at the RAC and Halfords welcomed this decision, citing concerns that the proposed changes could compromise road safety and potentially overlook dangerous issues.

Looking to the future, the government will work with car makers and drivers to make long-term plans for MOT tests. They want to make sure the tests keep up with new technology, such as electric cars, and improve checks for things like emissions from diesel vehicles. They might also still change how they test bigger electric vans in the future.

At AMT we will keep you updated of any further decisions and changes.